Safflower oil is pretty tasteless, which is why you don't see it on the cooking channel much. This makes it a perfect lubricant for candy. I usually pour a little on a folded paper towel and then you can use the towel to wipe knives with or smear oil in a foil lined pan or marble slab.
You probably won't ever run out of safflower oil given how few recipes will call for it. Oil can and does go rancid and detecting freshness is not always straightforward, so like anything you use for you candies, make sure it is less than a year old. I mostly make candies around the winter holidays, so a new bottle each year is definitely appropriate.
I always assumed the local grocery store carried it, but one year the neighborhood Albertsons was noticeably lacking in the Safflower department. I had a nearly full bottle from the year before, but-was it rancid? Could I even tell if it was? Is it worth it? A quick trip to safeway yielded a bottle and the additional bonus of 2 for 1 sale on the butter I use, a siginificant savings when you are buying 6 pounds of it.